soft pitch linkedin message template

Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template Guide: Examples, Best Practices, and Tips

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The Soft Pitch is an essential yet often overlooked LinkedIn messaging technique for initiating meaningful conversations.

This introductory template allows you to build rapport naturally before proposing business opportunities.

In this post, we’ll define the Soft Pitch concept, discuss its advantages for relationship-building, provide template examples and best practices, and showcase how ProfitOutreach’s capabilities can optimize your gentle sales pitches.

What is a Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template?

The Soft Pitch LinkedIn message template is designed to initiate conversations gently without aggressive sales pitches.

It focuses on providing value, understanding needs, building trust, and nurturing relationships – laying the groundwork for eventually proposing business opportunities or partnerships if there is mutual interest.

Unlike hard-selling direct messages that tout product features or ask for sales immediately, Soft Pitch messages have an educational, consultative tone that puts the recipient first. Typical components include:

  • Personalized opening demonstrating familiarity with the recipient’s profile and interests.
  • Thoughtful question or observation about their work to spark natural conversation.
  • Useful industry insight, resource, or article share to provide value upfront.
  • Comment seeking their perspective or experiences on the topic.

This message template works well when you want to connect with potential prospects or partners but need to warm them up first before pitching services.

It helps move conversations gradually towards a sales discussion once you better understand their needs.

Use cases include outreaching to new LinkedIn connections, engaging inactive existing connections, and even starting dialogues with unconnected profiles by relating it to their content shares or work.

 The Soft Pitch template lets you open and direct the conversation before bringing business opportunities into the mix.

Why is the Soft Pitch LinkedIn message Template Useful?

In today’s fast-paced professional world, the Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template stands out as a highly effective tool for digital networking and outreach.

Its utility stems from a strategic approach that balances subtlety with persuasion, making it a powerful asset for professionals across various industries.

Below are key advantages that highlight its effectiveness:

  • Builds Trust and Rapport: By focusing on building a relationship first, the Soft Pitch approach creates a foundation of trust and rapport. It shows the recipient that you value their time and are interested in more than just a transactional interaction.
  • Higher Engagement Rates: Messages that feel personal and relevant are more likely to receive a response. This template’s personalized and non-aggressive tone often leads to higher engagement rates compared to direct sales pitches.
  • Reduces Resistance: Since the soft pitch is less direct, it minimizes the recipient’s instinctive resistance to sales messages. This gentle approach can lead to more open and productive conversations.
  • Versatility: The Soft Pitch template is versatile and can be adapted to various scenarios, from networking and lead generation to partnership outreach. It’s suitable for different industries and professional levels.
  • Enhances Brand Perception: Using a respectful and considerate approach in your messaging can positively impact how potential clients and partners perceive your brand, associating it with professionalism and integrity.
  • Long-Term Relationship Building: This approach is designed for long-term relationship building, which is essential in today’s business environment where sustainable connections often lead to ongoing opportunities.

In conclusion, the Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template is a vital tool for anyone looking to enhance their LinkedIn outreach.

Its focus on personalized, respectful communication not only aligns with modern professional etiquette but also paves the way for more meaningful and productive professional relationships.

By utilizing this template, professionals can significantly improve their outreach effectiveness, fostering connections that are both valuable and lasting.

When to Use Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template?

Timing plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of the Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template.

Utilizing this template strategically at different stages of the outreach sequence can significantly enhance its impact and success rate.

Here’s how to effectively integrate the Soft Pitch approach in your LinkedIn messaging strategy:

  • Initial Contact: The Soft Pitch template is ideal for first-time interactions. It allows you to introduce yourself in a non-threatening manner, focusing on building a connection rather than pushing for a sale or immediate response. This initial use sets a positive tone for future interactions.
  • Following Up After Networking Events: Post-event follow-ups are a golden opportunity for the Soft Pitch. After meeting someone at an event, a message that subtly reminds them of your interaction and softly introduces what you offer can be very effective.
  • Re-engaging Dormant Connections: For connections you haven’t interacted with in a while, the Soft Pitch can be a gentle way to rekindle the relationship. It’s less about immediate gains and more about re-establishing rapport.
  • After Sharing Valuable Content: If you’ve recently shared an article, post, or resource that the recipient has engaged with (like, comment), the Soft Pitch can be a great follow-up, linking the value of the content to what you can offer.
  • Pre-CTA Stage: Before you make a direct call to action, using a Soft Pitch can gauge interest and readiness. It’s a prelude to more direct requests and can help you assess if the connection is open to further engagement.
  • Post-Sale or Post-Interaction: After a successful sale or interaction, the Soft Pitch can be used for additional offerings or feedback requests, maintaining the relationship without overwhelming the client or connection.

Remember, the key to the Soft Pitch’s effectiveness is its subtlety and respect for the recipient’s time and interest.

By choosing the right moments to employ this template, you can ensure your outreach is not only well-received but also sets the stage for ongoing, fruitful professional relationships.

This approach aligns perfectly with the evolving dynamics of professional communication on platforms like LinkedIn, where relationships and trust are paramount.

Examples of Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template

Explore the art of subtle persuasion with these five industry-specific Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Templates, designed to enhance your outreach with tactful, engaging, and strategically tailored communications.

Template 1: SaaS Industry

Hi [Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I recently came across your article on [specific topic] and found your insights extremely valuable, especially regarding [specific point]. As someone passionate about innovative SaaS solutions, I wanted to share an idea that might resonate with your expertise.

Our team at [Your Company] has developed a tool designed to [briefly describe the tool’s function]. I believe it could complement the strategies you discussed in your article. It’s all about [key benefit of the tool].

Would you be open to a brief exchange on how this could potentially align with your current objectives? No strings attached, just an exploratory conversation.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Purpose: To introduce a SaaS product in a way that connects it to the recipient’s interests.

Effectiveness: This template establishes common ground and shows genuine interest in the recipient’s work, which encourages engagement. The call-to-action is non-intrusive, promoting a friendly conversation rather than a hard sell.

Template 2: Local Service Industry

Hello [Name],

I’ve been following your contributions to our local community, particularly your recent [event/initiative]. It’s inspiring to see such commitment. I run a [type of service] service in our area and have been exploring ways to support community leaders like yourself.

Our services at [Your Company] focus on [brief description of service]. I’m curious if this could be of use in your ongoing or future projects. It’s all about making our community stronger.

Would you be interested in a casual chat about this, maybe over coffee? No obligations, just an idea I thought might align with your goals.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Purpose: To offer local services in a context that aligns with the recipient’s community involvement.

Effectiveness: This approach builds on local camaraderie and shared community goals, creating a personal connection. The offer is framed as a contribution to the recipient’s cause, making it more appealing.

Template 3: B2B Industry

Dear [Name],

I recently had the opportunity to learn about your company’s impressive growth in [industry]. As someone deeply involved in the B2B sector, I understand the challenges and opportunities that come with such expansion.

At [Your Company], we specialize in [specific service/product] that has been instrumental in aiding companies like yours to [specific benefit]. I thought there might be some synergy between our businesses worth exploring.

Would you be open to discussing this further? I’d love to learn more about your current strategies and see if there’s a way we can add value.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Purpose: To initiate a business-to-business relationship by recognizing the recipient’s achievements and offering relevant services.

Effectiveness: The template demonstrates knowledge of the recipient’s industry and respect for their achievements, setting a foundation for a mutually beneficial conversation.

Template 4: Consulting Industry

Hi [Name],

As an expert in [recipient’s field], your perspective would be invaluable. I’ve been exploring trends in [specific area] and noticed your significant contributions.

I’m a consultant at [Your Company], specializing in [specific area of consultancy]. I’ve had the opportunity to work with [mention a few notable clients or projects], and I see potential applications in your field.

Would it be possible to schedule a call to discuss this further? I’m keen on sharing some insights that might be relevant to your work, and I’d greatly appreciate your thoughts.


[Your Name]

Purpose: To offer consultancy services by aligning the consultant’s expertise with the recipient’s professional interests.

Effectiveness: The message positions the sender as a knowledgeable peer rather than a salesperson, fostering a professional exchange of ideas and insights, which can lead to more engagement.

Template 5: Education Technology

Hello [Name],

I’ve been following your work in the field of educational technology and am impressed by your dedication to innovative learning solutions. Your recent project on [specific project] caught my attention.

At [Your Company], we’ve developed [describe the educational technology product/service], which aligns with your area of expertise. I believe our product/service could enhance your current projects, particularly in [specific area].

Would you be interested in a brief conversation to explore possible collaborations? There’s a lot to share, and I’d be thrilled to get your expert opinion.


[Your Name]

Purpose: To introduce an educational technology product/service in a way that aligns with the recipient’s professional interests and projects.

Effectiveness: This template demonstrates a keen understanding of the recipient’s work and offers a relevant product/service. It invites collaboration and values the recipient’s expertise, making it an effective tool for engagement.

Each of these templates is crafted to foster a sense of mutual respect and interest, key factors in the effectiveness of the Soft Pitch approach.

They focus on relationship-building and understanding the recipient’s needs, making them powerful tools in professional LinkedIn outreach across various industries.

Best Practices for Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template

Here’s a guide on best practices and common pitfalls to avoid when using the Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template:

Best Practices for Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template

  • Personalization is Key: Tailor each message to the individual. Reference their work, profile, or shared connections to show you’ve done your homework.
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Pose thoughtful questions that spark conversations rather than yes/no questions that hit dead ends.
  • Be Genuine: Authenticity resonates. Ensure your message reflects genuine interest in the recipient’s work or challenges, rather than just serving as a veiled sales pitch.
  • Value Proposition: Clearly articulate how your service or product can be beneficial to them, but do so subtly. It’s about offering value, not pushing a sale.
  • Keep it Concise: Be respectful of the recipient’s time. Your message should be brief yet comprehensive enough to convey the necessary details.
  • Focus on Being Helpful First: Concentrate primarily on delivering value and assisting without underlying sales expectations initially.
  • Soft Call-to-Action: Your CTA should encourage a conversation, not demand an action. Phrase it as an invitation for dialogue or feedback.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain a professional yet friendly tone. Avoid overly casual language or jargon that might not be familiar to all.
  • Follow-Up Appropriately: If there’s no response, a gentle follow-up after a week or two is acceptable. However, avoid being pushy or sending too many messages.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Over-Personalization: While personalization is important, too much can seem intrusive. Keep it balanced and relevant to professional interests.
  • Forced Flattery: Don’t incorporate disingenuous praise or complements just to try to win favor.
  • Agenda-Pushing: Avoid steering dialogue forcibly towards your offerings without responsive relevance to their actual needs.
  • Being Too Vague: While the soft pitch is subtle, your message should still have a clear purpose. Avoid being so vague that the recipient doesn’t understand the intent.
  • Overemphasis on Selling: This approach is about building relationships, not immediate sales. Focus on the long-term connection rather than a quick transaction.
  • Ignoring Recipient’s Context: Not every message is appropriate for every recipient. Consider their industry, role, and current business situation.
  • Template Overuse: Avoid using the exact same template for every message. Customize it to suit different individuals and situations.
  • Neglecting Follow-Up: Not following up might mean missing out on potential opportunities. However, remember to follow up respectfully.

By adhering to these best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can effectively leverage the Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template to build meaningful professional relationships and enhance your outreach strategy.

Remember, the goal is to create a positive and lasting impression that paves the way for future collaboration and success.

How ProfitOutreach Improves Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template

ProfitOutreach significantly enhances the effectiveness of the Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message Template through its advanced personalization and automation features.

Here’s how:

  • Precision Personalization: Tailor every message with real prospect data, making each interaction uniquely relevant and compelling.
  • Streamlined Efficiency: Automate your outreach, ensuring timely, consistent follow-ups with minimal effort.
  • Flexible Customization: Choose from preset or custom sequences to perfectly match your outreach goals and audience.
  • Goal-Aligned Messaging: Directly align your soft pitches with specific objectives, be it promoting a product or forging partnerships.
  • Boosted Engagement: Enhanced personalization and strategic timing lead to higher engagement and improved conversion rates.
  • Scalable Outreach: Effortlessly scale your campaign, from individual prospects to bulk outreach, without losing the personal touch.

In summary, ProfitOutreach empowers users to execute Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message strategies more effectively by combining personalization, automation, and strategic customization.

This results in messages that resonate more with recipients, leading to higher engagement, better relationships, and ultimately, improved business outcomes.


The Soft Pitch template is essential for initiating meaningful conversations by first providing value and understanding needs before proposing opportunities.

As we explored through definitions, examples, and best practices, its relationship-building focus increases engagement and trust to empower more receptive sales discussions.

Try ProfitOutreach to automate tailored, effective Soft Pitch messaging that humanizes your outreach.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Soft Pitch LinkedIn Message

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Soft Pitch LinkedIn message template, along with answers:

How often should I use the Soft Pitch LinkedIn message template?

The Soft Pitch template is versatile and can be used as often as needed, provided it’s contextually appropriate. It’s particularly effective for initial outreach, follow-ups, re-engaging dormant connections, and after sharing valuable content. The key is to ensure each message is personalized and relevant to the recipient.

Can the Soft Pitch template be customized for different industries?

Absolutely. The Soft Pitch template is highly adaptable to various industries. The core elements remain the same, but the content should be tailored to reflect the specific challenges, language, and interests of the industry you’re targeting.

Is the Soft Pitch template suitable for cold outreach?

Yes, the Soft Pitch is ideal for cold outreach as it’s less aggressive than a hard sell. It’s about establishing a connection first, which is crucial when you don’t have an existing relationship with the recipient.

What should be the primary focus of a Soft Pitch message?

The primary focus should be on building rapport and subtly introducing your value proposition. The message should be about the recipient – their needs, challenges, and interests – rather than a direct promotion of your product or service.

How do I measure the effectiveness of my Soft Pitch messages?

Track metrics such as response rate, engagement level (likes, comments, shares), and conversion rate (how many recipients take the desired action). This will help you gauge the effectiveness of your messages and adjust your strategy as needed.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid in Soft Pitch messaging?

Common mistakes include being too vague, overly sales-focused, or failing to personalize the message. It’s also important to avoid sending too many follow-up messages, which can be perceived as spammy.

How does ProfitOutreach enhance the use of Soft Pitch templates?

ProfitOutreach helps by automating the personalization process, using data-driven insights to tailor messages for each recipient. It makes the outreach process more efficient and effective, increasing the likelihood of positive responses and engagement.

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