cold email statistics

84 Cold Email Statistics in 2024

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Are you curious about the state of cold email in 2024? Then look no further.

We’ve curated, vetted, and categorized a list of up-to-date cold email statistics below.

Top 10 Cold Email Statistics

  • Cold email marketing has a 2x higher ROI than cold calling or trade shows.
  • The ROI of a cold email is $42 for every $1 spent.
cold email ROI is somewhere between 42 to 1
89% of marketers see a positive ROI when they use personalization in their cold email campaigns
  • The optimum number of follow-ups ranges from 5-8.
The optimum number of follow-ups ranges from 5-8
  • Emails with personalized message bodies have a 32.7% better response rate than those that don’t personalize their messages.

With these top cold email marketing statistics I am trying to show that it’s worth the effort to still invest in cold email as it can generate great ROI with small investment.

However, where the investment is small, the effort is significantly bigger compared to other paid media such as Google advertising.

Of course, with automated tools such as lemlist, ProfitOutreach, and AeroLeads, the efforts are also significantly lower.

With that being said, cold email is still and will be an important marketing or sales channel for businesses to grow their revenue!

Generic Cold Email Statistics

  • The average open rate for cold emails is around 24%.
  • The ROI of a cold email is $42 for every $1 spent.
  • 8 Out of 10 Buyers Prefer to Be Contacted by Email
  • Only 23.9% Of Sales Emails Are Opened.
  • The Average Cold Email Response Rate Is Just 8.5%.
The Average Cold Email Response Rate Is Just 8.5%
  • The average unsubscribe rate is 0.17%.
  • On average, the open rate for cold emails is around 15.22% to 28.46%
  • Reaching Out to Multiple Contacts From the Same Account Gives a 93% Increase in Response Rate
  • Cold email sequences with multiple attempts and multiple contacts boost response rates by 160%.
  • 81% of all emails are now opened and read on mobile devices.
81% of all emails are now opened and read on mobile devices
cold email campaigns response rates
  • Only 20% of email campaigns are optimized for mobile devices.

In general, circling back to the importance of cold email. In general, cold email has a lot of potential for businesses to grow their revenues and even improve their brand awareness.

Of course, your cold email campaigns should be personalized and targeted in order to receive great ROI from your cold email outreach.

Additionally, it takes experience, and a ton of testing to see the top results such as having a 20%+ response rate.

But these statistics highlight in general that cold email is important, effective, and worth doing even in 2024/2025.

Subject Lines Cold Email Statistics

  • Cold Email Campaigns With Longer Subject Lines Get 24.6% Higher Response Rates.
  • 33% Of Email Recipients Decide Whether To Open an Email Based on Subject Lines Alone.
  • Personalized Subject Lines Increase Average Email Open Rates by 50%.
Personalized Subject Lines Increase Average Email Open Rates by 50%
  • Personalizing Subject Lines Using the Recipient’s Name Gives an Average Open Rate of 43.41%.
  • A/B testing subject lines can increase open rates by 49%.
A-B testing subject lines can increase open rates by 49%
  • 35 Out of 100 People Open Emails if the Subject Line Has Their Company Name.
  • Pain-Point-Driven Subject Lines Have an Average Open Rate of 28%.
  • 43% of salespeople say that cold email is the most effective sales channel.
43% of salespeople say that cold email is the most effective sales channel
  • Use of Emojis in Subject Lines Can Increase Your Open Rates by 8%.
  • Subject Lines With Numbers Have an Open Rate of 20%.
  • Subject Lines Based on Questions Have an Average Open Rate of 48.39%.
  • Personalized subject lines boost response rate by 30.5%.
  • Emails with subject lines that did not have any personalization had an average open rate of only 16.67% whereas emails that had personalized subject lines had an average open rate of 35.69%.
  • Using the prospect’s name in the subject lines averages a 43.41% open rate.
  • Using the prospect’s company name in the subject lines averages a 35.65% open rate.
  • 71% of buyers are open to receiving emails when they’re looking for new solutions to drive better business results.
71% buyers are open to receiving emails when they're looking for new solutions to drive better business results
  • Using pain points in the subject lines averages a 28% open rate.
  • The average cold email bounce rate is 7.5%.
  • The average number of prospects users include in their cold email campaigns is 1,373.
The average number of prospects users include in their cold email campaigns is 1,373

There is no doubt that in email marketing subject lines are one of the most important elements that can cause you to win or lose the game.

And in cold email marketing, this applies twice as much as you’re sending emails out of the blue to “unexpecting” recipients. (I am saying unexpected, even thou most of the professionals already know that they will receive a couple of cold emails every week.)

Therefore, with these cold email subject line statistics, I want to prove how crucial subject lines are and how you can improve your subject lines to get better results.

Therefore I hope that you use this information to level up your subject lines and overall cold email outreach game.

CTA Cold Email Statistics

  • Interest-Based CTAs Can Double Your Email Success Rates.
  • CTAs That ask prospects their thoughts skyrocket your reply rates but reduce your chances of booking a meeting by 20%.
  • Interest CTA such as “Are you interested to learn more about XYZ?” have up to 30% response rate.
  • The average cold email click-through rate is around 2-5%.
  • Using a clear call-to-action can increase response rates by up to 371% and Sales by 1617%.
  • Personalized CTA performs 202% better than non-personalized.
  • Keyword-optimized CTAs increased overall conversion rates by up to 87%.
  • Email CTAs get an average click-through rate (CTR) of 3-5%.
  • 43% of marketers use only one CTA per email, whereas 30% use two per email.

If you don’t tell your prospects what you want them to do at the end of each of your cold emails, you cannot expect them will figure it out on their own.

Resulting in poor conversion rates.

Therefore, with these CTA cold email statistics, I wanted to point out how crucial of an element is the CTA in your cold emails.

However, as the research shows, it’s not only about having CTA but about what CTA is the most effective for your specific cold emails.

Therefore, it’s important to keep testing different CTAs for your cold emails to find the one that really resonates with your target audience and of course, brings you the best results.

Follow-Ups Cold Email Statistics

  • Sending a first and second follow-up email increases your chances of getting a reply by 21% And 25%, respectively.
  • Emailing the same contact multiple times leads to 2x more responses.
  • Sending up to 8 follow up cold emails can double or triple your conversion rates.
  • Following up shows that 20% of all sales reps make 80% of the sales.
  • Don’t give up. 50% of all sales happen after the 5th contact, but most reps give up after just 2.
  • 55% of replies to cold email campaigns come from a follow-up email.
  • The optimum number of follow-ups ranges from 5-8.

Ain’t no follow-up, ain’t no revenue from cold emails.

Follow-ups are not even crucial, they’re fundamental and without that forget about cold emailing and having some results.

If you do not follow up you’re not doing cold emailing, but wishful thinking that won’t be heard by the cold email gods!

Therefore, ensure that you have AT LEAST 3 follow-up cold emails!

If you’re not sure how to use ProfitOutreach, we do the best cold email sequences, that deliver great results!

Timing Cold Email Statistics

  • The best time to send emails is between 1 PM and 4 PM.
  • The best day to send cold emails for open rates is Monday (22%), followed by Tuesday (21.8%), Wednesday (21.8%) Thursday(21.7%), and Friday(21.6%). In terms of click-through rates, Tuesday tops the list with 2.4%, closely followed by Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday with 2.3%.
best days to send cold emails
  • Wednesday is the “best” day to send outreach emails. Saturday is the worst.

Overall, timing is important in cold email to get the best results. You always want to send cold emails during office hours to your target audience.

That’s why segmenting your prospects based on their time zones is also a good idea to ensure that you don’t send them emails at 2 AM. (I did that…)

However, you won’t be able to send cold emails at the right time such as 4 PM Wednesday, especially if you have hundreds, or thousands of prospects, because you can blast all the cold emails at the same time and you need to naturally space it out.

But, I hope that these statistics will help you improve your cold email timing as it still plays a significant role!

Personalization Cold Email Statistics

  • Personalized Email Content Increases Average Response Rates by 32.7%.
  • A highly targeted email list can boost response rates by up to 30%.
  • Including the Pleasantry “Hope This Finds You Well” Increases the Chances of Booking Meetings by 24%.
  • Around 4 in 5 marketers see a positive ROI when they use personalization in their campaigns.
  • Personalizing cold emails can lead to an 81.5% increase in click-through rates.
personalizing cold emails can lead to an 81.5% increase in click-through rates
  • “I never heard back” can lower your chances of getting a meeting booked by 14%.
  • Emails with personalized message bodies have a 32.7% better response rate than those that don’t personalize their messages.
  • Personalization can increase cold email open rates by up to 50%.
  • Research shows that 71 percent of prospects expect companies to deliver personalized interactions.
  • Companies can generate as much as 40% more revenue from personalization.
Companies can generate as much as 40% more revenue from personalization
  • And 76 percent get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.
  • Over three-quarters of consumers (76 percent) said that receiving personalized communications was a key factor in prompting their consideration of a brand.
  • 78 percent said such personalized content made them more likely to repurchase.
  • Research shows that personalization most often drives a 10 to 15 percent revenue lift.
  • 89% of marketers see a positive ROI when they use personalization in their cold email campaigns.

What really differentiates cold emails from spam emails is the personalization, targeting, and understanding of your target audience.

Cold email personalization is what will get you the best results, significantly improve cold email deliverability rate meaning higher chances of landing in the recipient inbox and not spam box, and improve your response and conversion rate.

Therefore, it’s essential that you personalize your cold email campaigns.

Now we know that personalization can take a lot of time and effort and doing this at scale just means you need to sacrifice the personalization part.

That’s why I created ProfitOutreach. Our cold email software is designed to collect as much information about you and your prospects and then create personalized and individualized cold email sequences for each of your prospects!

Every message and sequence is unique, we really personalized your cold emails, not like with cold email templates using variables, but real, 100% personalized cold email sequences as you want them for each of your prospects regardless of how many prospects you have.

A/B Testing Cold Email Statistics

  • A/B testing scores 4.3 out of 5 in CRO methods efficiency ranking by optimization professionals.
  • Successful A/B testing can bring a 50% increase in the average revenue per prospect.
  • A/B testing stats indicate it is the #1 CRO method to improve cold email performance.
  • 93% of US companies do A/B testing on their email marketing campaigns.
  • 59% of organizations run A/B testing on cold emails.
  • 39% of companies worldwide test an email’s subject.

Big companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Apple, as well as small companies including us are running A/B testing consistently to get better results from their marketing campaigns.

And A/B testing is even more important for cold emails to ensure that you’re hitting your goals.

Testing things like different types of cold email templates, CTAs, colors, greetings, case studies, etc. can result in a massive increase in ROI from your cold email outreach.

That’s why having an A/B testing strategy is crucial for your cold email campaigns. Before you start sending, come up with an A/B testing plan for what you want to test.

Learn More

Looking for more statistics? Check out these resources:


Or use these resources to learn more about cold email marketing:

Cold Email Templates:

Cold Email Sequences:


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