cold email opening lines

Best Cold Email Opening Lines and How to Write Them

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Cold email opening lines are one of the most crucial elements of successful cold email campaign that many ignore.

Right after cold email subject line, it’s the second element the recipient will read before opening your email.

Thus, ensuring your cold email opening lines catch attention and ultimately get your prospects to open your cold email is critical to your cold email success.

And in this article, I am going to share with you everything I know about how to write the best cold email opening lines for your cold emails!

Key Takeaways

  • Personalize Your Approach: Tailor each cold email opening line to the recipient’s name, interests, or business details to capture their attention and show that your message is specifically intended for them.
  • Be Clear and Concise: Deliver your opening line or value proposition in a straightforward manner without filler content, making it compelling for the recipient to read further.
  • Use Various Strategies: Depending on your goals and the recipient’s profile, select the most appropriate type of opening line, whether it’s focusing on benefits, pain points, social proof, or special offers, to make your cold email more relevant and engaging.
  • Follow-Up Thoughtfully: If initial cold emails go unanswered, craft follow-up cold emails that remind the recipient of your previous communication while offering additional value or urgency to elicit a response.

What is a Cold Email Opening Line?

A cold email opening line is the initial sentence or question in a cold email, designed to grab the recipient’s attention and encourage them to read further.

examples of cold email opening lines

And when you open the email, it would be the first text within the body of the email.

cold email opening line is the first body text within the email

It gives additional information to the recipient upon which the user decides whether to open the cold email or not.

Therefore, together with cold email subject lines, these are the most important aspects of effective cold email campaigns to get users to open your email!

A compelling opening line is personalized, concise, and directly relevant to the recipient, addressing their needs, interests, or pain points, and often hints at the value or solutions that you as a sender are offering.

Crafting an impactful cold email opening line requires insight into the recipient’s perspective, creativity, and strategic thinking and can break or make your cold email outreach.

Why is the Cold Email Opening Line So Important?

Cold email opening line is crucial to the success of your cold email campaign because it gives the prospect a preview of what is inside the cold email and whether it’s something that interests them or not.

Additionally, a cold email opening line is crucial because:

  • It’s Your First Impression: As I said, you only get one chance to make a strong initial impact. A compelling opening line ensures you grab attention from the start.
  • Determines Email Success: Whether or not your email is read hinges on this first line. If it resonates, you’ve significantly increased your chances of a response.
  • Sets the Tone: It establishes the voice and direction of your message, signaling to the reader what they can expect.
  • Personalization: By tailoring the opening line to the recipient, you demonstrate that you understand their needs and are not sending a generic message.
  • Breaks Through the Noise: In a crowded inbox, a unique opening line helps your email stand out, making it more likely that you’ll engage the recipient.

Remember, your cold email success depends on delivering the right cold email subject line and opening line to the recipient in order for them to open your cold email and act upon it.

Tips for Writing Better Cold Email Opening Lines

Crafting effective cold email opening lines can significantly increase your chances of getting a response.

Here’s how you can ensure your opening lines grab attention and improve your- engagement:

  • Personalize Your Approach: Regardless of what type of cold email template you will use or what the cold email will focus on, you always need to ensure that write personalized cold email opening lines.
  • Be Direct and Concise: Your first line should clearly convey your message or offer value, making the purpose of your email unmistakable.
  • Apply Best Copywriting Techniques: Cold email copywriting can significantly improve your cold email results while improve your cold email opening lines.
  • Avoid Generic Phrases: Tailor your opening to show you understand the recipient’s specific situation or industry, leading clear of one-size-fits-all lines.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Without sounding like clickbait, suggest that your message contains timely or unique information beneficial for the recipient.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Fluff: Your cold emails need to be short and packed with value, so it’s necessary that you avoid any fluff content such as “I just wanted to touch base” or “I hope this email finds you well”.

Remember, the goal of your cold email opening line is not just to get your email opened, but to set the stage for a meaningful exchange.

By personalizing your approach and demonstrating immediate value, you can make a strong first impression that can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.

11 Best Cold Email Opening Lines

When it comes to cold email opening lines, it really depends on what you want to share with your prospects, what you’re offering, and what are your overall goals with cold email.

Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all cold email template for opening lines as it really depends on so many different factors.

On top of that, you also want to bring up your individuality, and the way how you express yourself to make it more authentic.

With that being said, I can give you general guidelines with examples based on different types of cold emails so you can adjust it to your needs and liking.

Here we go:

1. Introductory Opening Lines

Introductory opening lines set the stage for a new relationship and should quickly establish who you are and why you’re reaching out.

They’re crucial for making a strong first impression and should hint at the value you bring.

Here are three examples tailored to different scenarios:

  • “Hi [Name], I’ve been following your work on [platform] and am impressed by your insights on [topic]. I believe I have an idea that could interest you.”
  • “Greetings [Name], as a fellow enthusiast of [industry], I wanted to introduce a unique approach we’ve developed at [Company] that addresses [common problem].”
  • “Hello [Name], I came across your profile and noticed we share a passion for [interest]. I’m reaching out to discuss how we might collaborate beneficially.”

These lines are personalized, and straightforward, and open the door for further discussion, making them effective for initiating a connection and perfect for the first cold email.

I recommend visiting this blog post to learn more:

2. Follow-Up Opening Lines

Cold email Follow-up opening lines aim to re-engage a prospect who hasn’t responded to your initial outreach.

These cold email opening lines should remind the recipient of your previous communication and add new value or urgency to prompt a reply.

Here are three examples:

  1. “Hi [Name], I wanted to circle back on my last message regarding [specific proposal or question]. Have you had a chance to consider it?”
  2. “Hello [Name], following up on my email about [topic] from last week. I’ve gathered some additional insights that might interest you.”
  3. “Greetings [Name], just checking in as I haven’t heard back from you on [subject]. Is this something you’re still considering?”

These follow-up lines are polite, and direct, and show persistence without being intrusive, increasing the likelihood of receiving a response.

3. Final Follow-Up Opening Lines

Final follow-up opening lines serve as a last attempt to engage a prospect after previous cold emails have gone unanswered.

These lines should convey a sense of finality and urgency, emphasizing the opportunity the recipient will miss if they don’t respond.

Here are three examples for you to better understand:

  1. “Hi [Name], I’ve reached out a few times about [topic], but haven’t heard back. I’ll assume this isn’t a priority for you right now unless I hear otherwise.”
  2. “Hello [Name], this will be my last email regarding [proposal]. I believe it could significantly benefit your business and would love to discuss how.”
  3. “Dear [Name], before I close the file on this, I wanted to give you one last opportunity to explore [benefit] together. Let’s connect?”

These lines respectfully acknowledge the lack of response while still offering the recipient one last chance to engage, making clear the conversation’s potential end.

4. Educational Opening Lines

Educational cold email opening lines aim to immediately provide value by sharing relevant information, statistics, trends, or news that aligns with the recipient’s interests or challenges.

This approach positions you as a knowledgeable figure in your field and piques the recipient’s curiosity.

Here are three examples:

  1. “Hi [Name], did you know that [industry-specific statistic]? This trend is shaping [industry], and here’s how we’re responding.”
  2. “Greetings [Name], recent developments in [topic] have highlighted the need for [solution]. I thought you might find these insights valuable.”
  3. “Hello [Name], I came across this piece of information on [topic] that could significantly impact your strategy for [business challenge]. Let’s explore how you can leverage this.”

By leading with educational content, you immediately demonstrate value and expertise, encouraging the recipient to continue reading and engage with your message.

5. Social Proof Opening Lines

Social proof opening lines leverage the power of customer success stories, testimonials, or endorsements to build trust and credibility from your prospects.

By showcasing the positive experiences of others, these lines help prospects understand the benefits of engaging with you.

Here are three examples:

  • “Hi [Name], companies like [well-known company] have seen [specific benefit] after partnering with us. I’m excited to explore how we could achieve similar results for you.”
  • “Hello [Name], recently, [industry influencer] shared how our solution helped them achieve [result]. Thought you might be interested in how it could work for you too.”
  • “Greetings [Name], our latest case study features [client] overcoming [challenge] with our help, leading to [outcome]. Let’s discuss how this applies to your goals.”

Using social proof in your opening lines immediately establishes authority and encourages prospects to consider how your solutions could benefit them similarly.

6. Benefits Opening Lines

Benefits opening lines focus on explaining the main advantages of your product or solution right from the start, helping prospects understand how it can address their needs or solve their problems.

This approach aims to spark interest by highlighting what’s in it for them.

Here are three examples:

  • “Hi [Name], imagine reducing your operational costs by 30% while boosting efficiency. Our [product/solution] makes this possible.”
  • “Hello [Name], achieving [specific goal] can be challenging. Our [product/solution] has helped others increase [desired outcome] by [percentage], and I believe it can do the same for you.”
  • “Greetings [Name], many struggle with [problem]. Our [product/solution] simplifies this by offering [key benefit], leading to [positive outcome].”

By focusing on the benefits, you directly address the recipient’s potential interests and challenges, making your email more relevant and compelling.

7. Features Opening Lines

Features opening lines emphasize the standout attributes of your product or solution, aiming to intrigue prospects by showcasing what makes your offering unique and valuable.

This approach is effective for highlighting specific functionalities that could solve the recipient’s problems or fulfil their needs.

Here are three examples:

  • “Hi [Name], our [product/solution] is the first to offer [unique feature], enabling you to [solve a specific problem] with unprecedented ease.”
  • “Hello [Name], with [product’s] advanced [feature], companies like yours have achieved [specific result], streamlining operations like never before.”
  • “Greetings [Name], I’m excited to share how [product’s] [feature] can transform [aspect of business], as it has for [example of a customer].”

By leading with specific features, you provide a clear understanding of how your product stands out, fostering interest in how these features can be applied to benefit the prospect’s situation.

8. Value Proposition Opening Lines

Value proposition opening lines articulate the unique value your product or service delivers, focusing on the distinctive benefits that set you apart from competitors.

This approach is designed to make it immediately clear why your solution is the best choice for addressing the prospect’s needs or challenges.

Here are three examples:

  • “Hi [Name], our [product/service] is uniquely positioned to [solve a specific problem] by [how it does it differently], offering you [unique benefit].”
  • “Hello [Name], we offer [product/service] that provides [specific benefit] unlike any other on the market, ensuring [specific advantage] for your [specific need or area].”
  • “Greetings [Name], [Company] is the only one that offers [specific feature or service], designed specifically with [target audience] in mind to [achieve a specific result].”

By presenting a compelling value proposition from the start, you directly communicate the impact and uniqueness of your offering, encouraging prospects to learn more about how it can benefit them.

9. Special Offer Opening Lines

Special offer opening lines entice prospects by presenting an exclusive deal or discount, often with limited time, motivating them to take immediate action.

This strategy leverages the appeal of saving or gaining something of value, prompting the recipient to engage further.

Here are three examples:

  • “Hi [Name], I’m excited to offer you an exclusive 20% discount on our [product/service] for a limited time. Discover how it can benefit your [specific need].”
  • “Hello [Name], as a valued member of our community, you’re entitled to a special offer: buy one, get one free on [product/service], this week only.”
  • “Greetings [Name], we’re launching a new [product/service] and I’d like you to be the first to benefit. Enjoy an introductory offer of [specific discount or deal] available only to select contacts.”

These lines create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, making the email compelling and hard to ignore for prospects looking for value.

10. Pain Points Opening Lines

Pain points opening lines directly address the challenges or frustrations your target audience faces, demonstrating an understanding of their situation and offering a solution.

This approach establishes empathy and positions your product or service as the remedy to their specific problems and it’s an excellent way to qualify your prospects.

Here are three examples:

  1. “Hi [Name], struggling with [common pain point]? You’re not alone. Our [product/service] has helped others overcome this by [solution].”
  2. “Hello [Name], I notice many in [industry] face [pain point]. It’s exactly why we developed [product/service], which solves this by [how it solves the problem].”
  3. “Greetings [Name], [Pain point] can be a major obstacle. That’s where our [product/service] comes in, offering [specific solution] to alleviate this issue.”

By focusing on pain points, you immediately resonate with the recipient’s needs, compelling them to consider how your solution could facilitate a meaningful improvement in their situation.

11. Invitation Opening Lines

Invitation opening lines extend a personal invitation to prospects, inviting them to events, webinars, online groups, or to access exclusive content like reports.

This approach engages recipients by offering them an opportunity to gain knowledge, network, or explore new solutions, paving the way to build relationship with your prospects.

Here are three examples:

  • “Hi [Name], I’d love to invite you to our upcoming webinar on [topic], where industry leaders will share insights on [benefit].”
  • “Hello [Name], join us at [event] to discover the latest trends in [industry]. Secure your spot today to connect with like-minded professionals.”
  • “Greetings [Name], we’ve compiled a report on [subject] that addresses [specific concern]. I thought you might be interested in this exclusive content.”

By offering something of immediate value, these lines aim to pique interest and encourage recipients to engage with your brand, fostering a sense of community and sharing valuable insights.

How ProfitOutreach Can Help?

Having personalized cold email opening lines can help improve your results from cold email outreach.

But what about having personalized cold email sequences for every one of your prospects?

ProfitOutreach AI-powered personalization engine takes information from you and your prospects and creates hyper-personalized cold email sequences for each and every of your prospects resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates.

Don’t spend hours on researching your prospects and then manually crafting “personalized” cold email templates when you can have all this done by ProfitOutreach.

ProfitOutreach fully automates the writing process of cold email and LinkedIn sequences leaving you with more time to focus on more important tasks such as actually communicating with your prospects once they respond!

Personalize your cold email outreach and double your results. Get started now!


Writing the best cold email opening lines depends on the content and type of cold email you’re going to craft.

There is no one-size-fits-all template that you can follow to write your opening lines.

That’s why I gave you over 11 different cold email templates to give you an idea how you can craft your opening lines.

However, if you want to fully automate your cold email writing, then try ProfitOutreach.

FAQs about Cold Email Opening Lines

In this section I am going to answer commonly asked questions related to cold email opening lines:

How do you write the first line of a cold email?

To write the first line of a cold email, personalize it with the recipient’s name or detail about their business, make it relevant to their needs or interests, and ensure it’s concise yet intriguing enough to encourage further reading.

What is a good email opening line?

A good email opening line is personalized, concise, and directly addresses the recipient’s interests or challenges, making it compelling and encouraging them to continue reading.

How do you write a cold open email?

To write a cold open email, start with a personalized greeting, followed by a compelling opening line that addresses the recipient’s needs or interests. Briefly introduce yourself, provide value or a unique insight, and end with a clear call-to-action.

What is the best greeting for a cold email?

The best greeting for a cold email is personalized and professional, using the recipient’s name if possible, such as “Hello [Name],” or “Hi [Name],” to establish a direct and respectful connection.

How do you grab attention in a cold email?

To grab attention in a cold email:

  • Use a personalized subject line.
  • Start with a compelling opening line that addresses the recipient’s interests or pain points.
  • Provide value or insight early in the email.

How do you write a good cold message?

To write a good cold message:

  • Personalize the greeting with the recipient’s name.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your email in the opening lines.
  • Offer clear value or solutions to the recipient’s potential challenges.
  • End with a specific, easy-to-take action step.

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