cold email personalization

Cold Email Personalization: Ultimate Guide for 2024

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Cold email personalization is crucial for successful cold email outreach and you cannot afford to skip this just because it takes a lot of time or you don’t know how.

Because in this article you will learn everything you need to know about cold email personalization, how to personalize your cold emails as well as creating personalized cold email sequences, and the cold email personalization best practices to get you great results from your cold email campaigns!

So buckle up it’s a 4,000+ word ride!

What is Cold Email Personalization?

what is cold email personalization

Cold email personalization is the process of tailoring your email content to the individual recipient to create a more engaging and relevant message.

Unlike generic, one-size-fits-all emails, personalized cold emails leverage specific information about the recipient, such as their name, company, job role, industry, or even recent activities and interests combined together with your offer.

This approach aims to make more human interaction between the recipients and the sender.

Personalization in cold emails goes beyond just inserting the recipient’s name in the greeting.

It involves crafting a message that speaks directly to the recipient’s needs, challenges, and aspirations, and putting them at the center of the email.

 By demonstrating that you’ve taken the time to understand and address their unique situation, you can significantly increase the likelihood of your email being opened, read, and acted upon.

The ultimate goal of cold email personalization is to establish a connection and build trust between you and the recipient.

Why is Cold Email Personalization Important?

Cold email personalization is crucial in today’s market for enhancing deliverability, engagement, and ROI, and reducing the risk of emails being marked as spam.

And without that, your cold email outreach will not perform very well and you will leave a terrible impression on your business.

But if you do cold email personalization well, here are some of the benefits that you can experience:

Improve Cold Email Deliverability Rate

Your cold email deliverability rate will greatly increase as each of your emails will be unique and different as well as it will have a better engagement rate.

When it comes to cold email deliverability rate, there are a lot of things that influence it and personalization is one of them.

For example:

  • Personalizing cold emails makes them unique and thus less receptive to being blocked by ESP.
  • Personalized cold emails have a higher engagement rate, thus a positive signal to ESPs that your emails are welcomed.
  • Personalized cold emails are less likely to trigger spam filters compared to generic, mass-sent emails.

This positive engagement helps to build your sender reputation, which is a critical factor in improving your overall email deliverability rate.

As a result, not only do your personalized cold emails reach the intended inboxes more consistently, but future campaigns also benefit from this enhanced reputation, creating a virtuous cycle of increasing deliverability and effectiveness.

Increase Engagement Rate

Increasing engagement rates is a significant benefit of cold email personalization.

Studies have shown that personalizing cold emails can lead to an 81.5% increase in click-through rates, demonstrating the power of tailored content. (cold email statistics)

personalizing cold emails can lead to an 81.5% increase in click-through rates

Additionally, with 86% of B2B customers expecting personalization in their business interactions, failing to customize could mean falling behind competitors.

Furthermore, personalized subject lines alone have been known to double cold email open rates, showcasing a staggering 100% increase.

And lastly, multiple personalization touchpoints in emails increased cold email response rates by 140%.

These statistics highlight the undeniable impact of personalization on engaging your audience and underscore the necessity of incorporating personalized elements into your cold email campaigns for better results.

Higher ROI

If well executed cold email ROI can be very similar to email marketing leveraging around 42:1 ROI. This means that if you spend around $100 for cold email, you can expect an ROI of $4,200.

cold email ROI is somewhere between 42 to 1

And cold email personalization plays a big role in this.

But does this mean that if you spend more you always get 42:1 ROI?

No, there is always a limit, including this, but from our experience, we see that for most industries, with spending up to $10,000 in a cold email you can still leverage 42:1 ROI in a cold email, or get back $420,000 which is a great amount.

But does this mean going above $10,000 you will not get any more ROI?

This really depends on your industry, for more common industries with many companies and employees, you definitely can cross this mark and keep the ROI, while in smaller industries you probably won’t be able to spend $10,000 on cold email.

So, as our favorite answer goes. It depends…

Reduce the Chance of Landing in Spam

Cold email personalization significantly reduces the chance of your emails landing in the spam folder.

Personalized emails, which address the recipient directly and contain relevant information, are less likely to be marked as spam compared to impersonal, bulk messages.

This relevance increases the likelihood of engagement, which in turn signals to Email Service Providers (ESPs) that your content is valuable and not unsolicited junk.

Additionally, sending the same emails most likely will result in getting blocked by your ESP, as they don’t like the same emails being sent to recipients.

Overall, cold email personalization plays a crucial role if you want to run successful cold email outreach. It will help you to improve your engagement rates, get better ROI, leave better first and last impressions, and improve your sender reputation.

That’s why nowadays cold email personalization is not an option, but must.

Personalized Cold Email Examples

In this section, we explore various personalized cold email templates designed for you to better understand how personalized cold email templates can be done.

Each cold email template aims to build trust, showcase benefits, and demonstrate relevance, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your cold email strategy.

Each cold email template will have four fundamental sections – Subject line, introduction, offer, and CTA – that will make up the cold email template with an explanation of the template:

Personalized Introduction Cold Email Template

Subject Line: [Recipient’s Name], Boost Your [Recipient’s Industry] Strategy with [Your Company]

Introduction: Hi [Recipient’s Name], I’ve been following your work at [Recipient’s Company] and was impressed by your recent [specific project or achievement]. I believe we can add significant value to your efforts.

Offer: At [Your Company], we specialize in [brief description of product/service]. We’ve helped businesses like [similar company or industry reference] achieve [specific result], and I’m confident we can do the same for you.

CTA: Would you be open to a brief call next week to discuss how we can help [Recipient’s Company] achieve [specific goal]? Please let me know what time works best for you.

Explanation: This template is effective because it starts with personalization, mentioning the recipient’s name, company, and recent achievement, which immediately makes the email more relevant and engaging. The offer is clearly stated, focusing on the recipient’s potential gains and referencing similar success stories to build credibility. The call-to-action (CTA) is specific, suggesting a concrete next step, which increases the likelihood of a response. This template sets a positive tone for future communications by demonstrating an understanding of the recipient’s needs and how your company can meet them.

Personalized Customer Story Template

Subject Line: How [Similar Company] Overcame [Specific Challenge] with [Your Product/Service]

Introduction: Hi [Recipient’s Name], I noticed that your team at [Recipient’s Company] has been tackling [specific challenge or project]. I thought you might find it interesting how [similar company] faced a similar situation.

Offer: [Similar Company] utilized our [product/service] to [describe the solution and outcome]. They saw [specific results], which I believe could be replicable for [Recipient’s Company] considering your current objectives.

Customer Story: Here’s a brief overview of their journey: [Insert brief story or case study link]. It highlights the challenges they faced, the solutions we implemented, and the impact they had on their business.

CTA: Could we schedule a call to discuss how this could be tailored to fit [Recipient’s Company]? I’d love to share more insights and see how we could help address [specific challenge].

Explanation: This cold email template leverages the power of storytelling to build trust and credibility with the recipient. By sharing a relevant customer success story, it demonstrates the tangible benefits and outcomes your product or service can deliver. Personalizing the email by mentioning the recipient’s name, their company, and their specific challenge makes the message more engaging and relevant. The call-to-action is direct and personalized, inviting the recipient to explore a solution that is specifically tailored to their needs and challenges. This approach not only showcases your company’s success but also positions you as a potential partner in solving the recipient’s current problems.

Personalized Benefits Cold Email Template

Subject Line: Enhance [Recipient’s Company]’s Performance with Tailored [Product/Service] Solutions

Introduction: Hi [Recipient’s Name], I’ve noticed that companies in the [Recipient’s Industry] sector, like [Recipient’s Company], often face challenges such as [list a common challenge]. It sparked my thoughts on how we could assist.

Offer: Our [Product/Service] is designed specifically to address issues like these. Companies similar to yours have experienced [mention specific benefits, e.g., improved efficiency, cost reduction, increased sales], leading to significant positive outcomes.

Benefits: Specifically, by partnering with us, [Recipient’s Company] could benefit from [list out specific benefits relevant to their business and industry]. These improvements are not just numbers; they translate into real-world advantages like [provide examples of real-world implications, e.g., better customer satisfaction, higher employee retention].

CTA: I would love the opportunity to discuss how these benefits can be realized by [Recipient’s Company]. Could we set up a time this week for a brief call to explore this further?

Explanation: This template is structured to directly address the recipient’s potential needs and challenges, making the email immediately relevant. By clearly listing the benefits of your product or service, you help the recipient understand exactly how they can be helped. The personalized approach, mentioning the recipient’s company and industry, makes the email feel tailored and thoughtful. The CTA is clear and actionable, encouraging the recipient to engage further. This template effectively communicates the value proposition of your product or service while maintaining a personal and relevant tone.

Personalized Use Cases Cold Email Template

Subject Line: [Recipient’s Name], See How [Your Product/Service] Transforms [Recipient’s Industry] Operations

Introduction: Hi [Recipient’s Name], I’ve been impressed with how [Recipient’s Company] has been evolving within the [Recipient’s Industry]. It made me think about how our solutions could align with your strategies.

Offer: At [Your Company], we’re committed to addressing industry-specific challenges. Our [Product/Service] has been instrumental for companies like yours, especially in areas like [list areas, e.g., workflow optimization, customer engagement].

Use Cases: I wanted to share a few scenarios where our [Product/Service] has made a significant impact:

  1. [Use Case #1]: Briefly describe how your product/service solved a problem for a similar company.
  2. [Use Case #2]: Outline another scenario showcasing a different aspect of your product/service.
  3. [Use Case #3]: Provide a third example, emphasizing a unique benefit or feature.

CTA: Each of these scenarios presents a solution that I believe could be beneficial for [Recipient’s Company]. Could we arrange a call to discuss how these use cases apply directly to your current challenges and goals?

Explanation: This template is designed to elucidate the practical applications of your product or service through real-world examples. By aligning these use cases with the recipient’s industry and company objectives, the email becomes significantly more relevant and compelling. Mentioning the recipient’s name and company personalizes the message, while the detailed use cases help the recipient visualize the potential benefits for their own situation. The call-to-action is inviting and directly related to the recipient’s needs, encouraging them to learn more about how these use cases can be applied to their specific circumstances. This approach not only demonstrates your understanding of their industry but also your product’s or service’s direct relevance to their success.

Personalized Final Follow-up Cold Email Template

Subject Line: [Recipient’s Name], Last Chance to Explore How We Can Help [Recipient’s Company]

Introduction: Hi [Recipient’s Name], I’ve reached out a few times regarding [specific solution or benefit] and how it can support the goals of [Recipient’s Company]. I understand you’re busy, but I believe this could be a crucial step for your team.

Recap: Over the past weeks, I’ve shared insights on how our [Product/Service] can address [specific challenge they’re facing] and improve [specific aspect of their business]. We’ve helped companies similar to yours, such as [mention a case study or example], achieve [specific results].

Final Offer: I don’t want [Recipient’s Company] to miss out on the opportunity to [achieve a specific benefit or solve a particular problem]. I truly believe in the value we can bring to your operations and would hate to see you pass on this chance without exploring it further.

CTA: Can we schedule a 15-minute call to discuss this? I promise it will be worth your time. If I don’t hear back, I’ll assume you’re not interested and won’t bother you again.

Explanation: This template serves as a respectful and clear final cold email follow-up to engage the recipient. By summarizing previous communications, remind them of the value proposition without sounding repetitive or pushy. The subject line is personalized and conveys a sense of urgency without being alarmist. The recap is a gentle reminder of the missed value, and the final offer is a last invitation to take action, positioned as a favor to the recipient rather than a sales pitch. The CTA is direct and provides a clear next step, while the sign-off respects the recipient’s decision, emphasizing that this is the last contact unless they express interest. This approach maintains professionalism and leaves the door open for future interactions, even if there’s no immediate response.

How to Personalize Cold Email Templates

As already shown personalizing your cold email templates is super important to deliver better ROI from your cold outreach.

However, personalizing your cold email templates is not just adding a few variables such as {name}, {company name}, {job title}, and {date}. It’s ultimately about understanding your target audience and delivering a message that resonates with them.

By addressing the right pain points, using the right language, and coming up with ways where the recipients can clearly see the value of your offering.

And all this and more we’re going to explain how you can personalize your cold email templates and the entire sequence.

Step 1: Research Your Target Audience

The first crucial step in personalizing your cold emails is conducting thorough research on your recipients.

This goes beyond knowing just their name, company, and job title.

You need to dive deep into their industry trends, common challenges, recent news, interests, or professional endorsements if available.

Utilize LinkedIn, company websites, and industry publications to gather insightful information about that industry and try to understand how you can address some of it in your offering.

Understanding your target audience’s pain points allows you to tailor your message in a way that speaks directly to their needs and interests, setting the stage for a meaningful and engaging conversation.

This foundational research ensures your email resonates personally and professionally with each recipient.

Step 2: Outline Your Cold Email Sequence

After researching your target audience, the next step is to outline your cold email sequence.

This involves planning the flow and content of a series of emails that will guide your recipients through a journey from initial contact to the desired action.

Start by defining the goal of your campaign and then map out each email’s purpose within the sequence, such as introduction, value proposition, case studies, and final cold email call to action.

outline your cold email sequence to improve your personalization

Ensure each email builds on the last and contributes to a coherent narrative.

Tailor the sequence to match the recipient’s sales cycle and provide relevant, valuable content at each stage.

This strategic approach keeps your messages aligned with the recipient’s needs and increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

You can visit our cold email template section to see all the different types of templates available and craft your own sequence.

Or you can use ProfitOutreach cold email preset sequences built by industry experts to get you started the right way.

We also have custom sequences where you can choose your own cold email templates or build your own cold email templates to ensure your sequence is exactly as you want and need it.

Remember, here there is no right or wrong answer but about testing different templates within your cold email sequences to see which one works the best.

Step 3: Craft Personalized Cold Email Subject Lines

Crafting personalized cold email subject lines is crucial for ensuring your emails stand out in a crowded inbox.

A proper cold email subject line should be tailored to the recipient, reflecting your understanding of their needs, interests, or industry trends.

It’s the key to getting recipients to open, read, and act upon your email, and mediocre cold email subject lines will terribly hurt your performance.

So, use the insights gathered from your research to create a subject line that speaks directly to them, such as mentioning their company name, referencing a recent event in their industry, or highlighting a solution to a problem they might be facing.

Additionally, keep it short, no longer than 6 words.

Personalized subject lines are more likely to catch the recipient’s attention and significantly increase the open rates of your emails.

Remember, the goal is to make the recipient feel that the email is specifically meant for them, encouraging them to engage with your message.

Step 4: Personalizing Introduction

The next step is to start personalizing your introduction for your first cold email.

Personalizing the introduction of your cold email is another important step in building a connection with the recipient.

A well-crafted introduction sets the tone for the rest of the email and can significantly increase the likelihood of the recipient to keep reading.

With that, here’s how to make your introduction stand out:

  • Address the recipient by name: This simple act makes the email feel more like a one-on-one conversation rather than a mass send-out.
  • Mention something specific about the recipient or their company: Show that you have taken the time to research and understand who they are and what they do.
  • Reference recent events or achievements: Linking your message to a recent development in their industry or a personal achievement shows relevance and timely engagement.
  • Pose a relevant question or challenge: Start with something that resonates with their current situation or goals to spark interest.
  • Introduce yourself succinctly: Make sure they know who you are and why you are reaching out, but keep it brief to maintain focus on the recipient.

In summary, the introduction should make the recipient feel recognized and valued, setting a positive tone for the rest of your message.

Remember, in copywriting, each sentence and word works to get the reader to read the next words and sentence.

And by combining a personalized greeting with insightful comments on their professional industry, you get them to keep reading.

Step 5: Personalizing the Content & Offer

Once we have an introduction, the next part will be the content and offer.

Personalizing the content and offer in your cold email is essential to demonstrate the direct value your product or service can provide to the recipient.

This step transforms a generic message into a compelling proposition that speaks directly to their specific needs and circumstances and it’s the hardest part to get the recipient to keep reading your cold email.

So with that, here’s how to effectively personalize your content and offer:

  • Align your offer with the recipient’s needs: Use the information gathered during your research to demonstrate how your product or service can solve a specific problem or enhance their current situation.
  • Highlight relevant benefits and features: Focus on aspects of your offering that are most relevant to the recipient’s industry, company size, or job role.
  • Include relevant case studies or testimonials: Share success stories from clients with similar backgrounds or challenges to add credibility and show tangible results.
  • Tailor the language and tone: Match your message’s tone to the recipient’s corporate culture and communication style to increase relatability and connection.

As said, the content of your email should make the recipient feel that your offer is designed especially for them.

By clearly demonstrating how your solution fits their unique needs, you significantly increase the likelihood of a positive response.

Remember, it’s always about what’s in it for them!

Step 6: Personalized CTA for Higher Impact

And the last step and section that we need to personalize is the CTA section where you tell exactly what you want your recipients to do.

If you don’t tell them what you want them to do, how can you expect them they do what you want them to do?

Make sense?

So, here’s how to ensure your CTA makes a high impact:

  • Tailor the CTA to the recipient’s journey: Reflect on the content of your email and ensure your CTA aligns with the recipient’s needs and the stage of their journey you’ve addressed.
  • Be clear and concise: Directly state what you want the recipient to do next, whether it’s scheduling a call, signing up for a demo, or downloading a resource.
  • Use action-oriented language: Encourage immediate action with verbs like “Schedule,” “Download,” “Reply,” or “Learn More.”
  • Make it easy to take action: Include a direct link or a clear instruction on how to proceed. Minimize steps for the recipient wherever possible.
  • Personalize the CTA based on the email content: Connect the action to the benefits and solutions you’ve outlined, making it a natural next step for the recipient.

In summary, your CTA should cap off the personalized journey you’ve crafted in your email. By making it relevant, clear, and easy to act upon, you significantly increase the chances of your recipient taking the desired action.

A well-crafted, personalized CTA turns your cold email from just another message in their inbox into a compelling opportunity they won’t want to miss.

And just like this, you will create each email within your sequence.

It will take time, but the results will be far better than rushing it.

Unless you use ProfitOutreach does that exactly for you using AI, personal data, and your offering details to craft compelling, personalized, and action-driven cold email sequences for every one of your prospects!

ProfitOutreach Personalization Engine

Best Practices for Cold Email Personalization

So now that you know how to create personalized cold emails and how to create the entire cold email sequence, the next and last thing I want to share with you are the best practices for cold email personalization.

This will help you up your game and get even better results from your cold email outreach.

Tightly Segment Your Target Audience

The first best practice is to segment your target audience.

Tightly segmenting your target audience is fundamental to successful cold email personalization.

By dividing your audience into specific groups based on factors such as industry, job role, company size, or geographic location, you can tailor your messages more precisely.

For example, I like to segment my audience based on their industry and then further down based on their job role. Such as targeting SaaS companies and only sales leaders or marketing leaders when promoting ProfitOutreach.

segmenting prospects improve cold email personalization

This targeted approach ensures that the content resonates more deeply with each recipient, addressing their unique challenges and needs.

Effective segmentation leads to higher engagement rates, as recipients receive emails that feel specifically crafted for them.

Additionally, segmentation allows for more accurate tracking and analysis of results, enabling you to refine and improve your strategies over time for even better outcomes.

Start with Personalization Basics

Now, I know that cold email personalization might seem difficult at first and it can take a long time to create reasonable personalized cold email templates.

But you can begin by incorporating simple yet impactful personal touches such as using the recipient’s name, company name, or mentioning any recent event within the industry.

start with cold email personalization basics using variables

These elements will help you make your cold emails have a higher response rate.

Implementing basic cold email personalization will help you to create decent quality emails and as you get better and do more research, you will improve your cold email templates and sequences.

Address Common Target Audience Pain Points

The next best practice of cold email personalization and why you should segment your target audience is so you can properly address the common pain points you solve for your target audience.

For example, when I am targeting:

  • For marketers in SaaS, common pain points I like to mention are generating qualified leads, getting more sign-ups, improving engagement rates, and creating personalized cold emails. (Learn more about Saas Cold Email Strategy)
  • For salespersons in SaaS, common pain points I like to mention are closing more deals, prequalifying leads, increasing the response rate, and saving time on personalizing cold email outreach.

As you can see, the same industry, has different roles, meaning different problems that they want to solve.

Understanding the pain points that trigger your segmented target audience the most is super important as it will make a huge difference in your response and conversion rate!

Research, Research, & Research Your Target Audience

Research, research, and more research on your target audience cannot be overstated as a best practice in cold email personalization.

The more you know about your potential clients, the better you can tailor your cold emails to meet their specific needs and interests.

Dive deep into their industry challenges, company culture, recent successes, and competitive landscape.

Use social media, company websites, industry forums, and LinkedIn to gather information.

This thorough understanding allows you to craft cold email templates that resonate on a personal level, demonstrating that you’re not just another sales pitch but a valuable resource attuned to their unique situation.

Remember, your cold emails should show that you’ve done your homework and truly understand the recipient’s world.

Use Cold Email Personalization Software

And the last best practice is to use cold email personalization software.

As you can tell, just from the how to personalized cold email templates to applying these essential cold email personalization best practices, it will take $#!@ a load of time to create a proper personalized cold email sequence.

And times are money!

That’s why I created ProfitOutreach! The only true cold email personalization software that takes all information from prospects, your offers, and how you want your cold email sequence to be and creates personalized cold email sequences for EVERY of your prospects!

And you can just focus on tweaking your offers and cold email settings without worrying about tweaking cold email templates that always will feel like templates!

So, I highly recommend you to test out ProfitOutreach and you will never look back at creating cold email outreach manually anymore.

ProfitOutreach saves time, improves your engagement rate, and most importantly increases your ROI, and perception of your brand that you take the time to send individual personalized emails that awe your recipients!

Apply Cold Email Copywriting Best Practices

Applying effective cold email copywriting techniques is crucial to ensure your personalized emails resonate with your recipients.

Here are some key practices to enhance your cold email outreach:

  • Keep It Concise and Clear: Aim for cold emails between 50 to 125 words, ensuring your main points and call-to-action are clear and straightforward.
  • Use a Conversational Tone: Use natural language to make your email feel personal and relatable.
  • Focus on Benefits, Not Features: Highlight how your product or service can solve the recipient’s problems or improve their situation.
  • Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): Be specific about what you want the recipient to do next, whether it’s scheduling a call or replying to your email.
  • Personalize Beyond the Basics: Reference details relevant to the recipient’s industry or recent activities to show you’ve done your homework.
  • Test and Optimize: Regularly test different elements of your emails and refine your approach based on what works best.
  • Avoid Spammy Language: Steer clear of phrases that might trigger spam filters to ensure your email gets delivered and read.

By following these best practices, your personalized emails will be more engaging and effective, significantly improving your cold email outreach success.

How ProfitOutreach Can Help?

ProfitOutreach is LinkedIn and Cold Email Personalization software that helps you to create truly personalized cold email and LinkedIn sequences based on prospects data, your offer, needs, and requirements.

This will help you to level up your cold outreach by:

  • Saving time on creating personalized outreach messages for 100s to 1,000s of prospects.
  • Improving your level of personalization as every message is crafted for each prospect regardless of how many you have.
  • Increasing your response rate as every message is crafted for each prospect resulting in messages that feel like you wrote them yourself.
  • Increasing your ROI from outreach because of all the benefits mentioned above.

ProfitOutreach is a true game changer for those who use cold outreach to drive revenue for their business.


Cold email personalization is essential as you cannot send the same emails to thousands of prospects because you would get blocked.

On top of that, your prospects would see you as spammers and you would create a terrible first impression.

That’s why you need to personalize your cold emails if you want to launch successful and profitable cold email outreach.

FAQs about Cold Email Personalization

In this section we’re going to answer commonly asked questions about cold email personalization:

How long does it take to personalize cold email?

Personalizing a cold email typically takes between 10 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the level of detail and research involved in customizing the message to the recipient’s interests and needs.

Why should I personalize my cold emails?

Personalizing cold emails increases open rates, enhances engagement, and improves response rates by making each recipient feel recognized and valued, thereby fostering a connection and building trust.

What is the best cold email personalization software?

The best cold email personalization software is ProfitOutreach, known for its AI-driven capabilities, ease of use, and integration with various databases, enabling users to create highly targeted and personalized email sequences efficiently.

Is cold email effective for lead generation?

Yes, cold email is effective for lead generation and also very affordable when done correctly, as it allows you to reach potential customers directly, introduce your offering, and nurture leads into conversions. With just $100-$200 per month you can generate leads, sales, sign-ups, and purchases for your business.

Is cold email profitable?

Yes, cold email can be profitable, especially when personalized and targeted accurately, as it helps businesses reach potential customers at a low cost, leading to a higher return on investment when campaigns are well-executed.

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Table of Contents

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